Migration Giants

Australia announced the abolition of eight parents immigrant visa category in the column

According to Australia’s new fast network news, a few days ago, the official online Australian immigration [microblogging] Department issued a ‘significant change’ notice from now (June 2) from the number of visas revoked category and stop receiving new applications.

This 8 was abolished visa categories are: parents immigrated (103), elderly parents immigrated (804), the elderly immigrant relatives (114), the territory of elderly relatives immigrants (838), the last family member immigrants (115) , within the last family members of migrants (835), caregivers immigration (116) as well as domestic caregivers immigrants (836).

Displayed on the relevant page of the Department of Immigration, in June this year all applications submitted before 2 will continue to trial. Queuing applicants have not received the letter, will first be evaluated in accordance with the relevant standards, or who already has gained acceptance in the queue The applicant, the authorities will have quotas again when in the final approval.

The reason the government coalition party made the policy change is believed Family Class immigration should focus on the family loved, priority is given to the spouse of an Australian citizen and permanent resident immigrant children and their parents contribute to the class, while the above-mentioned category visa revoked queuing too many applicants, according to the current quota planning, application parents or elderly parents of immigrants who, after receiving a letter queue to wait about 13 years to get approval, other family visas waiting quite a long time, caregivers immigrants have to wait four years, the last family member to take care of immigrants and the elderly by up to 16 years will have to wait for the government that these waiting times and reflects the annual quota compared to the corresponding applicant is enough to go around the state(http://www.wantinews.com/).

Australian citizens and permanent residents are now parents may apply for immigrant parents contribute to the class (143 or 864). Persons to apply for these visas need to pay higher visa fees and pay higher deposits.

For this affect major immigration policy changes, Immigration Minister Murray letter (Scott Morrison) and Assistant Minister for Immigration Kath (Michaelia Cash) 2 daily did not release an official statement. And as of 2 pm, the official website of the Australian Embassy ‘visa and citizenship application’ page, it does not have any parents queued immigrant visa revocation relevant notification.

Source: http://www.wantinews.com/news-8536565-Australia-announced-the-abolition-of-eight-parents-immigrant-visa-category-in-the-column.html