Migration Giants

Australia Migration Programme 2015-16….Statistics!!

Up to 190,000 permanent migration places will be available in 2015-16 as announced by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection  as part of the Budget on 12 May 2015.

The number of permanent places available will remain the same as last year.   This includes up to:

Additionally, at least 3,485 permanent Child visa places will be available outside the managed Migration Programme.

What has changed?

Whilst the overall size and composition of the programme remain the same as last year there are changes in how the programme will be managed affecting the Child category visa and Orphan relative visas.

Child category visas (excluding Orphan Relative) will no longer be counted under the managed Migration Programme. This is in response to the Government’s commitment to reform and improve the processes relating to inter-country adoption.  The Child category will continue to be carefully monitored while it transitions to a fully demand-driven model by 2019-20.

Orphan Relative visas will now form part of the Other Family category within the Migration Programme with 400 places allocated to Orphan Relative visas.

For more details about the 2015-16 Migration Programme read the Ministerial Media Release or Fact Sheet 20 – Migration Programme planning levels.

Here is a breakdown of the planning levels for each visa category:

2015-16 Migration Programme
  Planning level
Employer Sponsored 48,250
Skilled Independent 43,990
State/Territory & Regional Nominated 28,850
Business Innovation & Investment Programme 7,260
Distinguished Talent 200
Total Skill Stream 128,550
Partner 47,825
Parent 8,675
Other Family·         Orphan Relative 900(400)
Total Family Stream 57,400
Special Eligibility Stream 565
Total managed Migration Programme 186,515
Child (outside the managed Migration Programme) 3,485
Total permanent migration places 190,000