Migration Giants

New visa scheme to attract highly skilled global talent – Joint media release with the Hon Michaelia Cash – Australia

Monday, 19 March 2018

​A new visa scheme to attract highly skilled global talent and deliver innovation to Australia will be piloted from 1 July of this year.

The Government recognises there is fierce competition globally for high-tech skills and talent, and that attracting these people helps to transfer skills to Australian workers and grow Australian-based businesses.

The Global Talent Scheme will consist of two components. Established businesses with an annual turnover of more than $4 million will be able to sponsor highly skilled and experienced individuals for positions with earnings above $180,000 into Australia.

The employers will need to be able to demonstrate that they prioritise the employment of Australians and that there will be skills transfer to Australian workers as a result of the person being granted a visa.

The sponsoring business must have a track record of hiring and training Australians.

Technology-based and STEM-related start-up businesses will also be able to sponsor experienced people with specialised technology skills.

Start-ups will need to be recognised by a start-up authority and demonstrate that they prioritise the employment of Australians.

In the both instances, a four year Temporary Skill Shortage visa will be issued with permanent residence applications available after three years.

The Government will consult further on the details of the scheme over the next few months, before piloting it for 12 months, starting 1 July 2018. An industry advisory group will provide ongoing guidance for the pilot.

Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs Alan Tudge said that the new scheme is recognition that global talent is in high demand and we need to provide pathways for Australian businesses to access this.

“We want to ensure that Australian businesses can access the best talent in the world, because this will underpin business growth, skills transfer and job creation,” Minister Tudge said.

“At all stages, Australians are prioritised for the jobs, but where the skills and experience are not available here, we want to be able to attract talent from overseas.

“This is part of the ongoing reforms to our skilled visa programs to ensure that Australians have priority for Australian jobs, but acknowledge that there are times when the skills are not available in the country.”

Minister for Jobs and Innovation Michaelia Cash said the new scheme will particularly help Australian employers in our growing innovation sector and help them to create more Australian jobs.

“Industry figures say globally mobile, highly skilled and experienced staff can act as ‘job multipliers’ in Australian businesses, helping them to hire more local staff and fill critical areas of need,” Minister Cash said.

See: Index of Media Releases

URL: http://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/alantudge/Pages/new-visa-scheme-skilled-global-talent.aspx

Last update: Monday, 19 March 2018