Migration Giants

$15,000 on offer for families willing to move to the Northern Territory – Australia Immigration…

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By: Mosiqi Acharya
23 AUG 2018 – 9:33 AM  UPDATED 5 HOURS AGO

The government says it will invest $9.3 million to attract more people, including migrants, to the Territory with families being  offered more than $15,000 over five years to move to NT to work in “high priority jobs”.

This announcement is part of the Northern Territory Population Growth Strategy 2018-2028, where the government hopes to add 21,000 new jobs and $10.4 billion to the NT’s economy in the next decade.

Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner

The incentives include relocation costs, one-off local spending benefit and retention bonus and will be made available to individuals, couples and families willing to move to NT.

Singles will receive $3000, couples will receive $6000 and families will receive $7000 as a relocation bonus.

The one-off local spending benefit of $1250 will be offered after six months of living in the NT which may be used towards costs incurred within the Territory, including vehicle registration, child care and eating out.

Darwin habour

After five years in the Territory, families will receive another $7000 retention bonus, Singles and couples will receive $3000 and $6000 respectively.

“Just about every regional centre in Australia is trying to grow their population. It’s a national trend,” Chief Minister Michael Gunner said.

“From November 2018, people who migrate to the Northern Territory from interstate and enter High Priority occupations listed on the Northern Territory Skilled Occupation Priority List will be eligible for these incentives,” the strategy says.

“NT wants accountants, engineers, chefs”

Over 53 occupations have been listed as high priority occupations and it includes accountants, hotel managers, software engineers and mechanical engineers.

High priority occupations

111111 Chief Executive or Managing Director 1
121111 Aquaculture Farmer 1
121312 Beef Cattle Farmer 1
131112 Sales and Marketing Manager 1
132211 Finance Manager 1
133111 Construction Project Manager 1
133211 Engineering Manager 1
133513 Production Manager (Mining) 1
135111 Chief Information Officer 1
135112 ICT Project Manager 1
139911 Arts Administrator or Manager 1
139912 Environmental Manager 1
141311 Hotel or Motel Manager 2
142111 Retail Manager (General) 2
2211* Accountants 1
221213 External Auditor 1
223111 Human Resource Adviser 1
223311 Training and Development Professional 1
224611 Librarian 1
231111 Aeroplane Pilot 1
231212 Ship’s Engineer 1
231213 Ship’s Master 1
231214 Ship’s Officer 1
233411 Electronics Engineer 1
233512 Mechanical Engineer 1
241111 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher 1
242111 University Lecturer 1
242211 Vocational Education Teacher 1
251513 Retail Pharmacist 1
253111 General Practitioner 1
2611* ICT Business and Systems Analysts 1
261313 Software Engineer 1
2621* Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists 1
312113 Building Inspector 2
3131* ICT Support Technicians 2
321211 Motor Mechanic (General) 3
323211 Fitter (General) 3
334111 Plumber (General) 3
341111 Electrician (General) 3
342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic 3
351311 Chef 2
351411 Cook (includes Ethnic Cuisine) 3
391111 Hairdresser 3
394111 Cabinetmaker 3
411511 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker 2
411711 Community Worker 2
411712 Disabilities Services Officer 2
411714 Parole or Probation Officer 2
421111 Child Care Worker 4
423111 Aged or Disabled Carer 4
423313 Personal Care Assistant 4
612112 Property Manager 3
721311 Forklift Driver 4

* Four digit ANZSCO Unit Group code incorporates occupations within this group. Example ANZSCO Unit Group code 2544 – Registered Nurses has 13 individual occupations within the next level.

Source: NT Department of Trade Business and Innovation.

In addition, the Northern Territory Government will also negotiate a refreshed Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA II) with the Commonwealth Government to allow Territory employers to sponsor skilled and semi-skilled overseas workers in areas experiencing skill and labour shortages.

“Arresting population decline and boosting economy”

The strategy mentions research conducted by the Charles Darwin University’s Northern Institute which found five years is the tipping point after which new residents are most likely to remain long-term.

Forecasts show the Territory’s population is likely to fall by 0.7 per cent this financial year.

This population plan aims to arrest that decline and return growth to its historical average of 1.4 per cent.

If this growth is achieved, Mr Gunner said it would add about 21,000 jobs and more than $10 billion to the economy over the next decade.

Source: https://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/punjabi/en/article/2018/08/23/15000-offer-families-willing-move-northern-territory