Migration Giants

1.3 million new permanent residents to be welcomed under expanded immigration plan’s targets … Canada Immigration

Canada extends immigration targets into 2021 with prominent roles for Express Entry, PNPs

1.3 million new permanent residents to be welcomed under expanded immigration plan’s targets

Canada is increasing its immigration targets for 2019 and 2020 and will extend its multi-year immigration levels plan through 2021, setting the stage for the arrival of 1.3 million new permanent residents over the plan’s four years. 

The changes were announced as part of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)’s 2017 report to Parliament that was made public October 31. The report coincides with the first anniversary of IRCC’s multi-year levels plan, which was introduced to guide Canada’s immigration planning from 2018 through 2020.

Increasing targets and extending the plan by another year positions Canada to now welcome more than 1.3 million newcomers through the country’s various economic, family and refugee and humanitarian immigration categories between 2018 and 2021, based on its annual targets.


The revised plan calls for gradually increasing admissions targets each year, from 310,000 new permanent residents in 2018 to 350,000 in 2021. The targets for 2019 and 2020, originally set at 330,000 and 340,000, respectively, have now been increased to 330,800 and 341,000.

“Under this plan, Canada will welcome more talented workers with the skills and expertise our economy needs, reunite more family members and accommodate more refugees looking to start new lives,” Canada’s Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Ahmed Hussen, said in his introduction to the report.

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