Migration Giants

Breaking News – New Skilled Regional VISA (subclass 491) to allocate MORE points for SINGLE as well as MARRIED applicants!! Skilled Immigration – Australia…[9th Apr 2019]

By:  Amin Saleem (Registered Migration Agent of Australia: 1804599)

The Australian government has introduced a new Skilled visa (subclass 491) to assist regional Australia (designated regional areas) and make related amendments. At the commencement of the new regional provisional visas, it is intended that the designated regional areas, to be identified in a legislative instrument, will include all of Australia except for Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and the Gold Coast.


Highlights are as follows:

 A new visa (subclass 491) whose length of duration will be 5 years (previously, subclass 490 was of 4-year duration);


 close the Subclass 489 (Skilled – Regional (Provisional)) visa to primary applicants for a first provisional visa;


 introduce the Subclass 491 Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa, a points-tested visa for applicants sponsored by a State or Territory government agency or sponsored by a family member residing in a designated regional area;


 amend the points test to award:

o 15 points for nomination by a State or Territory government agency or sponsorship by a family member residing in regional Australia, to live and work in regional Australia (Previously it was 10 points only);

o 10 points for a skilled spouse or de facto partner (previously it was 5 points only);

o 10 points for certain Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) qualifications (previously, no points were allocated for it);

o 5 points for a spouse or de facto partner with ‘competent English’(previously, no points were allocated for it);

o 10 points for applicants without a spouse or de facto partner (previously, no points were allocated for it); and


 make a number of minor technical amendments.


The above is effective from 16 November 2019. Make sure you get your case started and have your Skills Assessment ready before the State Sponsorship as it takes roughly 4 to 6 months to get the Skills Assessment completed.


If all other points claims are equal, invitations for points tested visas will be ranked by the Migration Points Test as described below:

 First – primary applicants with a skilled spouse or de facto partner


 Equal First – primary applicants without a spouse or de facto partner


 Second – Primary applicants with a spouse or de facto partner who can demonstrate competent English but does not have the skills for skilled partner points (age and skills)


 Third – Primary applicants with a partner who is ineligible for either competent English or Skilled partner points. These applicants will be ranked below all other cohorts, if all other points claims are equal.


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(03)-8397-2264, 0410-(GIANT-1) (44268-1)

www.MigrationGiants.com.au , info@MigrationGiants.com.au


Source: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2019L00578/Download