Migration Giants

Express Entry Invitation Round … Canada Immigration

The minimum score drops again in latest draw from Canada’s Express Entry pool3,350 Express Entry candidates invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence on May 1

The Government of Canada invited 3,350 Express Entry candidates to apply for Canadian permanent residence in a draw held May 1. 

The cut-off score in today’s draw was 450, which is one point lower than the minimum score in the previous draw on April 17, which was 451.

This is the fourth time that the cut-off Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score has decreased since February 20.


CRS score distribution of candidates in the Express Entry pool as of April 26, 2019

CRS score range Number of candidates
601-1,200 279
451-600 1,511
401-450 35,349
441-450 4,957
431-440 9,619
421-430 6,548
411-420 6,782
401-410 7,443
351-400 40,223
391-400 7,180
381-390 8,467
371-380 8,360
361-370 8,360
351-360 7,856
301-350 23,066
0-300 3,517
Total 103,945

The numbers in this table reflect the total number of people in the pool overall, a few days before an invitation round. The score distribution may change as people submit new profiles and other profiles expire.

The table numbers in italics are a detailed breakdown of the bold number immediately above.

Source: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/submit-profile/rounds-invitations.html