Migration Giants

BSMQ sets-up business migrants for success in Queensland … Australia Immigration (12-10-2019)

Business and Skilled Migration Queensland (BSMQ) is dedicated to ensuring the successful settlement of migrants to Queensland.

In September 2019, BSMQ held a Settlement Information Seminar and Expo for Mandarin speaking business migrants.

The event attracted over 100 business migrants who heard from numerous speakers – including BSMQ business Case Officers, the Principal Advisor of the TIQ Regional Network, business advisory firm Mazars, successful business migrants and the Australia China Business Council (ACBC).

BSMQ Manager Greg McKean gave the opening address, and warmly welcomed migrants to the state of Queensland. He reiterated that ‘while the migration journey is now complete, settling into Queensland presents new opportunities for us all, and the Queensland government, through TIQ, is here to help with your business objectives in your new home’.

BSMQ Case Officers Lin Han and Cynthia Chen spoke on how to meet the ongoing Queensland nomination conditions, the Business Talent visa monitoring process and criteria requirements for the permanent subclass 888 visa.

Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) have 8 domestic trade offices across Queensland to assist Queensland businesses connect with export opportunities around the world.

Principal Advisor of the TIQ Regional Network, Reginald Roberts gave information about each of these TIQ offices and key staff and detailed the industry capabilities and export opportunities in each of the regional areas across Queensland – including (but not limited to) agribusiness, tourism, mining and resources and international education.

Michael Wen from Mazars followed and offered some insightful information on key requirements and potential issues on company structures, taxation, business selection, share acquisition, and export businesses.

Successful business migrants included a major Queensland beef exporter from China, who gave an overview of his migration journey – from his first visa refusal to the heights of major success in a trading company with over US$50M in turnover in this year alone.

A second business migrant from Taiwan has built multiple successful businesses in Queensland including a skin care product development and export company, large scale Japanese restaurants based on the Gold Coast and Taiwanese study tours and exchange programs.

Her key messages were to have a clear business strategy and follow it, and to surround yourself with professional people focused on excellence.

Wen Gu, President of ACBC then explained how the member based organisation provides services such a business linkages from local Australian companies to migrant business investors and holds events and seminars to showcase business opportunities and foster cultural understanding between China and Australia.

TIQ CEO Paul Martyn, closed the seminar by thanking attendees for choosing Queensland, and personally greeted and met with migrants during the afternoon tea break.

The seminar was followed by an expo whereby attendees were able to have one-on-one personal consultations with Banks, Business Brokers, Senior Police Liaison Officers, Work Place Health and Safety Queensland, the Queensland Chinese United Council, and the Australia China Business Council.

Due to the success and popularity of the event BSMQ aims to hold another seminar for all other nationalities in February 2020.


Source : https://migration.qld.gov.au/latest-news/bsmq-sets-up-business-migrants-for-success-in-queensland/