Migration Giants

INVITATION ROUND: 20 AUGUST 2020: 145 Canberra Invitations Issued (Aug 20th, 2020)

INVITATION ROUND: 20 AUGUST 2020: 145 invitations issued to Matrix nominating the following occupations.  

Code        Occupation             Minimum ranking

1322 Finance Managers                       80
2211 Accountants                          Capped
2223 Financial Investment                    80
2231 Human Resource Prof,                80
2251 Ad. and Marketing Prof.              105
2253 Public Relations Prof.                 105
2321 Arch. & Landscape Architects      80
2324 Graphic & Web Design, etc          80
2332 Civil Engineering Prof.                  75
2411 Early Childhood Teachers             80
2524 Occupational Therapists               90
2531GPs and RMO                               80
2544 Registered Nurses                        85
2611 ICT Bus. & Sys. Analysts              70
2613 Software & App. Prog.                  70
2621 Database & Systems Admin         70
2631 Computer Network Prof,               70
2632 ICT Support & Test Eng,               70
2713 Solicitors                                       75
2723 Psychologists                                70
2724 Social Professionals                     65
2725 Social Workers                             70
2726 Welfare, Rec & Comm. worker     75

The minimum ranking score is an indication only and not a guarantee that an invitation was issued.

ALL Matrix expir​e 6 months after submission date if an invitation is not issued.