
Reaching A COVID Normal (November 30, 2020)




Having restrictions lift is such a relief for all Victorians, including locals in Knox. Although many are still in place, we can finally, after 111 days of lockdown, get back to some form of normality. 

Knox City Shopping Centre is bustling again, the Burwood Highway congestion is back, businesses are opening, people are getting back to work, and the recovery is beginning. 

As we have seen from the recent outbreak in Adelaide however, the threat of COVID remains very real.

One of our best chances of getting back to normal is if a vaccine for the virus is found and made accessible. 

Recently we have been making some great progress. 

In September we secured a $1.7 billion deal for the production and supply of both the Oxford University vaccine and the University of Queensland vaccine, should their trials prove successful. The Oxford vaccine is in its final trial and the UQ vaccine will enter final trials by the end of the year.

Just this month, we also signed agreements to secure vaccine doses from two other suppliers if their trials prove successful. We have also committed $800 million to building a vaccine production facility here in Melbourne for future vaccines.

There is still a chance that a successful vaccine may not be developed, but at the same time I am optimistic that we will have a vaccine rolling out in March 2021; with the elderly, health care professionals and aged care workers likely to be the priority groups.

As always, my office is here to support you. Over the last few months we have assisted with thousands of enquiries. Please do not hesitate to call. 

For information on the current restrictions, visit dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-covid-19