Migration Giants

🦘 🇦🇺 Tasmania 190 & 491 Skilled Migration Program Update 🦘 🇦🇺 (March 19, 2021)


2020–2021 Program Update

The Tasmanian Nominated Skilled Migration Program now has only very limited subclass 491 nomination places remaining.


Tasmania’s nomination quota for the 2020–21 program year is:
Subclass 491 – 1400 places
Subclass 190 – 1000 places
Business migration – 45 places

Approximately 60% of total skilled visa (subclass 491 and 190) nomination places have been used.

Approximately 75% of subclass 491 places have been used.

Applications for subclass 491 nomination lodged after 31 March 2021 are unlikely to be considered.

Tasmania has fewer than 400 subclasses 491 nomination places remaining for the 2020–2021 program year and a high number of nomination applications not yet processed.

Migration Tasmania will consider and decide all applications for subclass 491 nomination lodged before 20 March 2021. All efforts will be made to consider all applications lodged between 20 March 2021 and 31 March 2021, depending upon the volume of applications received during that period.

Applications for subclass 491 nominations lodged after 31 March are highly unlikely to be successfully nominated unless they are in the top 3 priority categories (See Nomination Priorities below)

The highest priority applicants (Priority 1-3) will continue to be nominated until the end of the program year.

Visa expiry alone cannot be considered for prioritized assessment – applicants should investigate alternative visa options while awaiting their application outcome.

Another subclass 491 nomination applications lodged before 31 March 2021 will be processed on an ongoing basis and if eligible will be ranked and nominated at a later date if there is sufficient quota available. Applications that do not meet eligibility or are sufficiently competitive will be declined.

Subclass 491 nomination applications lodged after 19 March 2021 that are not processed will be closed at the end of the program year and the service fee refunded.

Subclass 190 applications are not affected by this process and are being considered normal.

Please note, applications for both subclass 491 and 190 nominations will close on 11 June 2021 at 5:00 pm (AEST). 

The program will then reopen in July 2021 subject to receipt of the new nomination quota from the Department of Home Affairs.