Migration Giants

BREAKING NEWS … New South Wales will now be considered Offshore Candidates in invitation rounds … Australia Immigration

New South Wales will now be considered Offshore Candidates in invitation rounds

Skilled Nominated visa (Permanent) visa (subclass 190)

The NSW Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) occupation list is by ANZSCO unit group.

To be considered during an invitation round you must have a skills assessment in an occupation that is both eligible for Skilled Nominated visa (Permanent) visa (subclass 190) and within an ANZSCO unit group identified below.

Visit the Home Affairs  website to confirm your occupation is eligible for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) before you obtain a skills assessment.


Offshore candidates

Offshore candidates skilled in occupations within some ANZSCO unit groups will now be considered in invitation rounds.

Work experience requirement

You now must have a minimum three years work experience in your nominated (or closely related) occupation for occupations within some ANZSCO unit groups.

The work experience requirement (where applicable) applies to both onshore and offshore applicants.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)

Stream 1

You may submit an ROI for any NSW region if you are eligible under Stream 1 and your occupation appears in the Stream 1 combined occupation list below.

Streams 2 and 3

You may submit an ROI for any NSW region where your skills are required if you are eligible under Streams 2 or 3. Each NSW region’s occupation list is available.


Source : https://www.nsw.gov.au/topics/visas-and-migration/skilled-visas/nsw-skilled-occupation-lists