Migration Giants

Important changes to the Live in Melbourne portal (24 Feb 2022)

We will be introducing a number of improvements to the Live in Melbourne portal on 1 March. These changes will bring benefits to both applicants and agents.

To enable these changes:

All forms will then be turned back on at 10am on Tuesday, 1 March. If you had a draft that was deleted, you will be able to start a new form.

To enable these changes, we will be deleting any draft applications not submitted by 5pm on 28 February.

Digital Appointment of Agent form

Instead of printing out a form, signing, scanning and uploading it, the Application of Agent form has been completely digitised. All applicants and agents will need to digitally sign a new Appointment of Agent form before submitting any applications from 1 March.

Please see Appointment of Agent – digital form for further information on this change, including instructional videos.

Digital Nomination Conditions Declaration forms

Nomination Conditions Declaration forms for our most used subclasses will also be completely digital from 1 March. We will no longer be accepting scanned forms when a digital version is available. The digital signing process for Nomination Conditions Declaration forms is very similar to the Appointment of Agent forms.

For further information, including an instructional video, please see Nomination Conditions Declaration – digital forms.

To enable these changes, we will be deleting any draft applications not submitted by 5pm on 28 February.

Other improvements

Contact details

Before starting a new application, you will now be able see your client’s contact details and update them as required.

Application progress indicator

You will be able to view a progress bar in your portal when you view the submitted application.

Registration of Interest – PDF copy

You will now be provided with a PDF copy of any Registration of Interest submitted.